A trip down history tells us that the first Thanksgiving was held in 1621 when Plymouth colonists and Wampanog Indians of the then America shared an autumn harvest feast. They gave thanks for a bountiful harvest after a year long ordeal where food was scarce. Since then, the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving spread across the world.
Fun Fact: In the midst of the Civil War, then President Abraham Lincoln declared that a national Thanksgiving Day is to be held each November.
Alright, now let's talk turkey..
In the spirit of giving thanks for all the good things in life, TUTMC had a Thanksgiving themed meeting which included a potluck at the venue LT9.Our Immediate Past President Zahir Ahmad, ACB, CL, called the meeting to order - in place of Valerie, TM at 10.00am. He then passed the control to our President Dylan Chew, CL. He delivered his presidential opening address by explaining the meaning and purpose of Thanksgiving itself. To get everyone upbeat, he introduced himself and shared what he was thankful for in his life. Everyone was then invited to do the same for themselves.
Dylan then passed the control over to our Toastmaster of the Morning, Lalitha, TM (it was her first time! *Salutations*) She enlightened the crowd by explaining the meaning and purpose of Thanksgiving itself.
Toastmaster of the Morning, Lalitha, TM
Next she invited Sarah Abedi, TM, our invocation speaker who spoke about the magic of giving Without expecting a return.
The spotlight then shone on Kam Weng Hang, TM, our Table Topics Master of the day who managed to get 7 brave and bold souls.
A special memory about someone whom you are most thankful by Zahir Ahmad, ACB, CL.
If you would like to call someone a turkey, who would that be? by Jocelyn Teh, TM.
I think I am lucky! by Dylan Chew, CL.
What would you tell a special person, if tomorrow is the end of the world? by Wilson Wong, CC.
The full, the true thanksgiving comes from the heart by Kay Ment, TM.
If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share by Leon Saw, TM.
If you get an opportunity to go on a date with someone on Thanksgiving Day? Who would that be? by Yun Qiu, TM.
My Nanny! - Jocelyn
Sir Alex Ferguson! - Zahir
Shoutout on Facebook and Twitter, I shall not! - Leon
TM Sarah Abedi, DTM did an amazingly concise, constructive and timely evaluation for all seven table topic speakers.
After the speeches, we had a recess for 15 minutes - time to savour the good food! Happy Than-munch-ksgiving! :)
Not wanting to go over the allocated break time, SAA called everyone back to order, for the anticipated prepared speeches of the day.
CCM#1 Ice Breaker Speech "Letters In My Tracks", Zahir Ahmad, ACB, CL
CCM#4 How To Say It "The Grey World", Ashikin Aidura, TM
CCM#6 Vocal Variety "My Mother Doesn't Nag", Jocelyn Teh, TM
All the speeches were delivered with utmost passion and energy. General Evaluator, Jerusha, CC, CL, (in Kenneth Ho, ACS, CL's place) then took the stage by leading the evaluation session.
Speech evaluators in chronological manner..

Wilson Wong, CC evaluating Zahir Ahmad, ACB, CL.

Kay Ment, TM evaluating Ashikin Aidura, TM.
Kenneth Ho, ACS, CL evaluating Jocelyn.
Language Evaluation by Pravinan Lai, TM.

Time Keeper Report by Subbra, TM.

The Best Prepared Speech...
The Best Evaluator...
Kenneth Ho!
A token of appreciation was presented to our General Evaluator, Jerusha, CC, CL.
A recognition star was presented by Sarah Abedi, DTM to Zahir and Dylan for their devotion in assisting Taylor's College (Sri Hartamas) TC.

Our President Dylan Chew, CL gave his closing address and before calling for meeting adjourned, he reminded us to be thankful for all the good things in life. :)
we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Prepared by,
Pravinan Lai, TM,
Taylor's University Toastmasters Club (2013/2014).
On behalf of,
Rachel Hiu, TM,
Vice President of Public Relations,
Taylor's University Toastmasters Club (2013/2014).
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