Today the smell of teamwork pervaded the e4.06 classroom of Taylor's Lakeside Campus BECAUSE today we held a joint meeting with HELP UNIVERSITYYYYYYYYY!
Meeting started off with the presidential address from Christian Leong, the president of HELP TMC and then followed by the Toastmaster of the Morning address by our one and only Mr President Zahir Ahmad CC, CL. Today our agenda took a twist. After the brief introduction of role players we went straight to the first speech of the day: The Icebreaker. Subbra delivered 'An Insight Into My Life' and maaaan are Penang boys funny or what. This Penang boy had a plethora of nicknames. If I'm not mistaken one of them were 'Subbraman' (Superman, GET IT GET IT?!) He talked about how humor and modesty are both imperatives in living a good life. One of my favorite lines was this:
If life gives you lemons you make lemonade.. but if life gives your oranges, you make orange juice. You just make the best out of whatever you have.
Invocation speech was delivered by our club advisor DTM Fan of Speecom TM! Extremely memorable quote of the day award goes to him!
"Go slow if you can, go fast if you must!"
AND THEEEEEEEN, we had Table Topics where five very brave volunteers raised their hands because they wanted to grab the bull by its horns. They were: Seng Kiat, Sylvia (FIRST TIMER WOOT WOOT! :D), Bryan Wong, Chen Keat and Bryan Cheong. Felle was our lovely Table Topics master of the day, having topics relating to teamwork such as, "What will be your most desirable team?" and "Would you rather have a teammate that has good attitude and poor skill or with poor attitude and good skill?"
First up for Prepared Speeches was Wilson Wong with his 9th speech in the CC manual. His title? 'Power to the Distracted'! He pressed on issues relating to people who easily believe in diet gimmicks, healthier alternatives and even uncovered the lies that diet companies deceive their customers with. "When you stop eating carbs, you will go mentally retarded. Really, that's why some models are like that. It is not their fault that they're dumb, it is all because of their diets!" REMEMBER, ONE PLATE OF RICE (NOT KINDERGARDEN PLATE SIZE OKAY), FISH AND VEGETABLES. Provided you don't eat supper. That's it. You can even afford to eat desserts for three times a week!
Next up, Gerald Tan of HELP TMC with his final speech in the CC manual with the title 'Big Dreamers'. Gerald told us that once upon a time, he was once a fat, ugly kid. Wanting to jump back out from the pool of hurt he was in, he got into a pool. Literally. He asked himself "Why do I let myself get into situations like this, why do I want to feel all the pain from swimming train, why?" Because pain is good. Pain is only temporary. Something else will take its place, something like success and a sense of achievement he emphasized on.
Last but not least, Shaun Liew also with his final speech with the title 'One By One'. Shaun suddenly turned into a prick and defiantly told the audience why they're going to fail in life. He told them they were afraid of taking risks and inevitably made lousy excuses which leads to not improving. "That's why you are going to fail in life.. unless." But his speech had a twist in it and introduced the self-proclaimed key factor to be successful to the audience: taking pride in taking baby steps. "It is the small achievements that will accumulate and snowball to become revolutionary changes within."
Our GE of the day Reuben from Bangsar TMC kickstarted the evaluation session starting with the table topics and prepared speech evaluators! Really good job James Kan of HELP for giving at least two suggestions to consider for each speaker albeit the limited time we had and also praising the brave volunteers for their spontaneity and skill of delivering an impromptu speech. NICE ONE JAMES!
EVALUATORS, good job with pointing out all the subtle flaws of each speaker and praising them for the goodness in their speech. Well done (like how my mum likes her steak in Fresco, Jaya Grocer) to Ian Tai from Friendship TMC, Ron, Bryan Cheong and Zahir! Exceptionally well thought-out evaluations.
Seng Kiat our Grammar Nazi of the day was not very ENTERTAINED with the usage of the English Language, especially the word of the day that he had chosen for the meeting which is 'Entertain' (it's okay Seng Kiat). Albert from HELP then gave his ah-counter evaluation, showing that he was indeed observant of any crutch words used.
General Evaluator Reuben displayed shrewdness in his elaborate and very thorough evaluation and stressed on how we must take advantage of our youth. Besides, Dr Ralph C. Smedley wanted YOUNG patrons to train public speaking anyway! Thank you Reuben, your suggestions will be deemed invaluable to us in the near future!
Never fail to look at the small achievements you make in life. It could be a pushup, an extra minute of reading or even an extra second of running. Eventually, those little improvements will snowball into something great.
Prepared by Shaun Liew,