Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Great Outdoors! 26.1.13

It's 9.30 in the morning, the sun is up, the birds are cooing among the branches, the grass is green and we're outside LT11..


Say what?

Yes that is right, an outdoors Toastmasters meeting!

Chairs? PSHHT so mainstream! We have pillows!

Tables? Unnecessary! We have our laps!

Whiteboard? PSHHT.. We couldn't get let's move on!

The meeting kicked off Zahir Ahmad giving his presidential speech followed by Dylan (the Toastmasters of the Morning) who led us to the invocation speech carried out by..

Yean Yi.

It was very motivating, captivating and is the perfect example of what invocation speech should be like. "Count your blessings because you only have one life. YOLO!"

Shalini who was obviously trying to make guys lose their female friends came up with super creative topics! Not to mention, really random ones as well!
Thank you daring first timers and brave volunteers for giving the Table Topics a go, congratulations! 

Seng Kiat. Which is the more convincing sex, male or female?

Kiko (left). Which is the fairer sex?

Chen Keat. Should the male population be exempted from house chores? 

Stephanie. Should the pains of wearing high heels be limited to females?

Dylan. What is your most embarrassing experience?

Zahir. Should tigers be allowed as pets? (THIS WAS SO RANDOM.)

Rachel. Who gives the best advice?

Shaun was the Table Topics Evaluator of the the morning.

Wilson then delivered his 5th speech (Appreciation, Outdoors!)  in the CC manual after the break and he was evaluated by none other than Chicken Little Seng Kiat. He told a story of how he fell hard for a girl, a girl he knew who was going to go away. He also shared his gratitude for some of the members of the club who showed him the ropes in his TI journey. Well done. Definitely made us want to cherish each moment we spend with our closed ones.

"She taught me how to live life to the fullest."

Next was Zahir who delivered his 2nd speech in the ACS manual, Humorously Speaking with the title Say It Aint So!He tells friend about crush. Everyone in the school knows. Crush knows. Oh how we all miss the primary school drama oh-so-much! The message was to never neglect your friends, never treat them like stones and throw them out into the sea. His evaluator was Stephanie (good to see you after so loooooooooooooooong! :D) 

"Friendship is not a definition, it's a compilation."

Finally, the evaluations session led by Aung Ching Ching from Ireka TMC!
Thank you role players for keeping up with the speakers and giving us the benefit of how we did during the meeting!

Aung Ching Ching (Ireka TMC), the General Evaluator,

Ben Chan (Friendship TMC), the Ah-Counter,

Valerie Chew, the Timer,

Fan Chen Keat (Speecom TMC), the Grammarian,

Shalini Jayelkjawsfjhffaoweuh (hard to pronounce) (Monash TMC), the Table Topics master

speakers and evaluators!

A HUMONGOUS THANK YOU to the guests for attending, we hope you enjoyed the panache we strove to display & we hope to see your panache in action in the upcoming meetings. 

For more info, please go to

Prepared by,
Shaun Liew
VPPR 2012-2013

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