Just a few more days till the end of Chinese New Year. For the 14th meeting of the term, Taylor's University Toastmasters decided to join the Chinese New Year spirit by having a Gong Xi Fatt Chai theme meeting(which later the general evaluator advises us to either use all mandarin words or either all Cantonese words for our theme as Gong Xi and Chai is in mandarin while Fatt is in Cantonese. oops... )
And then as the meeting were about to start, we were suddenly overwhelmed by a crowd from Taylor's College Sri Hartamas.
And then as the meeting were about to start, we were suddenly overwhelmed by a crowd from Taylor's College Sri Hartamas.
You could almost say this meeting is like a joint meeting of Taylors', hailing from Taylor's Subang Jaya, Sri Hartamas and Lakeside.
Look at the massive crowd that turned up! (the more the merrier)

Presidential opening address

Wilson Wong (looking extremely gleeful) as Best Table Topics speaker
Thiiban won the Best prepared speech
Zahir as Best Evaluator
Look at the massive crowd that turned up! (the more the merrier)

Presidential opening address
Dylan as president and toastmasters of the morning introducing us to Toastmasters founder, Ralph Chestnut Smedley
Wong Yun Qiu as table topics masters. First time at it too! *Applause*
Table topic speakers
Rachel Hiu whose table topic is favorite Chinese New Year Song (sorry Yun Qiu, don't have one at the moment)
Wilson Wong with his table topic Red Lipstick, Red Cheongsam, Red Nails (something along these lines)
Netusha who had many friends who love to eat McD prosperity burger with all the juice and black pepper but...she doesn't. Her table topic; Mcd prosperity burger.
Ang pows can tell us how a family financial is - Dharshini with her table topic Don't want ang pow
Joey , had to talk about Starbucks card, who is also coincidentally a HUGE Starbucks fan.
and its time for the table topics evaluation session
Tan Kian Yoong , ACS and his thorough table topic evaluation
Prepared Speeches
Why worry? , a prepared speech by Ivanna Sim (yes, why worry indeed?)
Learned a bit about trading in Tan Kian Yoong (all the way from D'Utama) in his advanced manual Techical presentation to the The Non Technical Audience
If we ever meet again , a prepared speech by Thiiban
Teoh Kay Ment, CC as an entertaining speaker with his advanced speech The Old to New. He reminds us of how most of us benefited and changed upon joining toastmasters.
Evaluation session
General Evaluator, Jocelyn Teh starting of the evaluation session
Yean Yi, evaluates Ivanna Sim's speech
Fan Chen Keat, DTM evaluates Tan Kian Yoong, ACS
Zahir evaluating Thiiban's speech
Wilson Wong evaluating Teoh Kay Ment entertaining speech
The language evaluator Koh Kian Jer and his thorough report.
Christopher Lim and his ah-counter evaluation
Super-duper-fast timer Lalitha and her incredible 40-seconds-something report (like lightning speed)
*Drum rolls* its time for the ribbons session!
Wilson Wong (looking extremely gleeful) as Best Table Topics speaker
Thiiban won the Best prepared speech
Zahir as Best Evaluator
Oranges as a token of appreciation for the pretty General Evaluator Jocelyn Teh
May we all have an eternal (Word of the day) happiness.
Written by
Rachel Hiu
Vice President of Public relations
Taylor's University Toastmasters Club